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C'est qu'une petite partie de ma collec' là hein...

presque pareil que ma bibliothèque là

B) B) B) B)

alors si t'as pas encore lu, je te conseille fortement les "monarchies divines"

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Très instructif.Les animaux à travers leurs déjections.


C'était vraiment très interressant !

dans le me genre sans être pareil

je te conseille evguenie sokolov de sieur gainsbarre

un monument de scatologie, et la prose comme on l'aime de notre serge préféré


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  • 2 weeks later...

Je commence "lacrimosa" de Régis Jauffret. Je n'avais jamais lu de Régis Jauffret, c'est plutôt bien pour le moment. J'aime assez son sytle. Je lirais sans doute "microfictions" qui apparemment a eu assez de succés.

Sinon, un nouveau Maxime Chattam vient de sortir, "un autre monde", et ça c'est une très bonne nouvelle !

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@Prankster : je te le conseille, c'est considéré comme le livre référence sur Cosa Nostra.

De plus, il y est expliqué les liens avec l'extérieur : la mafia américaine, la politique italienne, on ne reste pas qu'en Sicile.

@Emile K: Livre de WC par excellence, je suis fan.

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Ouaips, Pranks', je suis en train de terminer Prédateurs du même Chattam et c'es absolument énorme (Oui, OK, DLJM...)

On revient à ses débuts et sa trilogie du mal : Glauque, flippant, tordu and so on. Un put*** de bon thriller


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Je suis en train de finir Ilium de Dan Simmons, coup de bol, genre 2 ou 3 jours avant que j'arrive à la fin, je passe à la Fnac et je vois que "Olympos" en poche est sorti. Wouhouuuuuuu !

Ah et sinon, comme il me semble qu'il y a quelques amateurs du sieur Simmons, petite news :

Carrion Comfort Optioned by Costa Gavras, Screenplay Finished,

French Film Possible, Tautou Interested

For several years now, Dan's epic tale of mind-vampirism, CARRION COMFORT, has been optioned for the screen by the family of famed French film director Costa Gavras, who did the paranoid political thriller "Z" in 1969. This January, the Costa Gavras group has renewed a final option on CARRION COMFORT and announced that a French language version of the screenplay is complete. Alexandre Gavras is slated to be the director of the film version of CARRION COMFORT, and they also inform us that Pathe likes the screenplay and is considering a Greek coproduction partner. According to the Gavras group, internationally famous actress Audrey Tautou -- known to worldwide audiences for playing the title character in the award-winning French film Amelie(2001) and also Sophie Neveau in The Da Vinci Code (2006) -- is currently reviewing the screenplay in connection with a lead role.

The Gavras group has announced that they hope to begin principal photography in September of this year.

Wikipedia says of the elder Costa Gavras --

"Costa Gavras is known for merging controversial political issues with the entertainment value of commercial cinema. Law and justice, oppression, legal/illegal violence, and torture are common subjects in his work, especially relevant to his earlier films. Costa Gavras is an expert of the “statement” picture, an art form slowly vanishing from the studios of cut-throat, capital-driven cinema. [ Note -- the Wikipedia writer's phrase, not Dan's. He likes cut-throat, capital-driven Hollywood cinema. Some of his best friends are cut-throat, capital-driven, Hollywood-cinema types. Dan hopes someday to be a . . . well, you get the idea.]

Wikiepedia goes on -- "Gavras has repeatedly explored political terrain. In most cases, the targets of his work have been right-of-center movements and regimes, including Greek conservatives in and out of the military in "Z," and the U.S.-supported authoritarian governments that ruled much of Latin America during the height of the Cold War, as in State of Siege and Missing."

Dan says of a possible Costa Gavras film adaptation of CARRION COMFORT -- "I remember seeing 'Z' while I was in graduate school at Washington University in St. Louis in 1970 and I thought at the time that it was a brilliant political thriller. It caused viewers to be paranoid about everything. Since CARRION COMFORT is a novel filled with justifiable paranoia -- it turns out that "they" are out to get us -- a Gavras-family connection to a French film version of this epic novel might lead to a very interesting project. I look forward to seeing what develops"

Bon par contre, Audrey Tautou et Kosta Gavras, je sais pas pourquoi, mais ça me fait un peu peur.

Espérons que ça rende justice au bouquin, que ce soit l'action reste crue comme elle l'a été écrite.

Mais y'a pas que "l'Echiquier du Mal", y'a aussi Hypérion qui va être adapté :


The following news release appeared in The Hollywood Reporter on April 2nd of this year.

Warner Bros. nabs

'Hyperion Cantos' adaptation

By Borys Kit and Gregg Goldstein

April 2, 2008,

Producer Graham King has set up Dan Simmons' award-winning science fiction book series "Hyperion Cantos" at Warner Bros., with Trevor Sands on board to adapt the first two books as one feature. King is producing via his GK Films banner.

The first book, "Hyperion," won the Hugo Award for best novel in 1990, while the second, "The Fall of Hyperion," was nominated for a Nebula Award for best novel.

"Hyperion" deals with a space war, with most of the action taking place on a planet named Hyperion, known not only for its electricity-spewing trees but also for the Time Tombs, large artifacts that can move through time. The tombs are guarded by a monster called the Shrike, which impales people on metal trees.

King acquired the rights to the series several years ago, but its structure, inspired by Boccaccio's "Decameron" and Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales," and its multiple timelines made the task of adapting it into a feature unwieldy and challenging.

Brought in by GK Films' Grey Rembert and Gail Lyon, Sands won over the execs by taking a selective approach to the two novels' multiple points of view in a way that managed to coherently and unconfusingly tell the story.

Lynn Harris is overseeing at Warners.

Sands co-wrote and directed the 2002 indie "Inside," starring Jeremy Sisto. Other writing credits include the Sony sci-fi project "Resurrection," Dimension's "Six Billion Dollar Man" and an adaptation of David Brin's sci-fi novel "Startide Rising" for Paramount and producer Mace Neufeld.

He is repped by Endeavor and manager Jewerl Ross.

Borys Kit reported from Los Angeles; Gregg Goldstein reported from New York.

Both the background and the current information on this project are – as always – more complicated than represented in the studio press release. Dan fills us –

“All of four of the Hyperion Cantos novels and my novella “Orphans of the Helix,” which is also set in the Hyperion-universe, were purchased for a six-figure sum by Graham King’s company IEG – International Entertainment Group – about three years ago.

“The original idea that sold the film – or franchise of films -- was based on a treatment I wrote and it was pitched and presented by two able young screenwriters. In that approach, I had deconstructed all four of the Hyperion novels so that the messiah-character of Aenea and her lover and protector Raul Endymion would have a presence in all of the films, including the first one – Hyperion. Their love story would be the continuous thread that would connect the three or four films of a Hyperion Cantos movie franchise.

“It was the actor Leonardio DiCaprio who first showed active interested in this idea for the film andfor some time there was discussion of him doing the film with director Martin Scorsese. The first draft of the screenplay was written two years ago – not by me – but producer Graham King didn’t go with that approach and the project stayed inactive since then (even to the point of my contractually not being able to announce the details of the purchase of the books.)

“Now Graham King Films has joined in partnership with Warner Brothers to make the film version of Hyperion. As you can see in the Hollywood Reporter release above, one approach now being discussed is to combine the first two novels – Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion – into one film (rather as Peter Weir combined two Patrick O’Brian books to make the film “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World”) – but as is always the case in the early days of such a project, everything is in flux.

“While writer Trevor Sands has been brought aboard by Graham King for early work on story concepts, there’s been no final selection of either a definitive screenwriter or director yet.

“However, there is one director I know to be under consideration who would be wonderful for “Hyperion: The Movie.” I’m not at liberty to mention his name yet, but this director knows the Hyperion Cantos novels very, very well and has a strong sense of the cinematic potential of literary SF. Indeed, one of this director’s upcoming films is a much-anticipated reworking of an SF-movie classic.

“Those who know movies and movie-making know that there’s never a guarantee of a project being completed until the last shots are in the can – and even then some films are never released. But the Graham King Films – Warner Brothers announcement of the Hyperion Cantos purchase and their plans to go ahead with the “Hyperion” movie is a huge step forward.”

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L'un comme l'autre, ca peut le faire. (Je connaissais pas le titre anglais de "l'échiquier du mal", c'est zarb d'avoir "traduit" aussi différement).

Ilium et Olympos sont vraiment pas mal. Faut aimer le genre "je fous plein de reference partout à vous d'avoir un mimimum de culture générale !" :lollarge;

Du coup ca m'a donné envie de lire shakespeare

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oeuvre1953m.jpgle cantique à Elsa :

Je te touche et je vois ton corps et tu respires

Ce ne sont plus les jours du vivre séparés

C'est toi tu vas tu viens et je suis ton empire

Pour le meilleur et pour le pire

Et jamais tu ne fus aussi lointaine à mon gré

Ensemble nous trouvons au pays des merveilles

Le plaisir sérieux couleur de l'absolu

Mais lorsque je reviens à nous que je m'éveille

Si je soupire à ton oreille

Comme des mots d'adieu tu ne les entends plus.

Elle dort Longuement je l'écoute se taire

C'est elle dans mes bras présente et cependant

Plus absente d'y être et moi plus solitaire

D'être plus près de son mystère

Comme un joueur qui lit aux dés le point perdant.

Le jour qui semblera l'arracher à l'absence

Me la rend plus touchante et plus belle que lui

De l'ombre elle a gardé les parfums et l'essence

Elle est comme un songe des sens

Le jour qui la ramène est encore une nuit

Buissons quotidiens à quoi nous nous griffâmes

La vie aura passé comme un air entêtant

Jamais rassasié de ces yeux qui m'affament

Mon ciel mon désespoir ma femme

Treize ans j'aurais guetté ton silence chantant

Comme le coquillage enregistre la mer

Grisant mon coeur treize ans treize hivers treize étés

J'aurais tremblé treize ans sur le seuil des chimères

Treize ans d'une peur douce-amère

Et treize ans conjuré des périls inventés

O mon enfant le temps n'est pas à notre taille

Que sont mille et une nuit pour des amants

Treize ans c'est comme un jour et c'est un feu de paille

Qui brûle à nos pieds maille à maille

Le magique tapis de notre isolement

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Dan Simmons, mon auteur préféré :blush:. J'ai grand peur de l'adaptation de L'échiquier du mal, c'est pas une mince affaire cette oeuvre là ... <_<

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