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Envie De...jazz Bass, Mais Presque ! (eh Oui ! Aussi, Aussi !)


Jazz Bass = Fender ? Ou pas ?  

640 members have voted

  1. 1. Une ''Jazz Bass'' est elle nécessairement une Fender / Squier ?

    • oui
    • non

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Bizarre quand même ... Moi la mienne acheté en 2010 a le trou au niveau du pickguard ...

Fabinosto : Sur ta Std de 2010 tu as le nouveau chevalet Fender et les nouvelles mécaniques ?

Bah je ne l'ai plus depuis longtemps, peux plus revérifier.

Vous avez sans doute raison, mais quand même...

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Ben, c'est justement ce que j'aimerais savoir :rolleyes:

J'ai envoyé un message au mec via la messagerie de Zikinf. On va voir.

C'est d'ailleurs assez marrant, car si vous regardez bien le catalogue "standard" Fender, il n'y a pas, et je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait eu, de RI66 en JB. Je crois qu'il y a le même "trou" dans les PB, même si l'évolution des modèles "fin 60's" est moins évidente.

Si tu veux une JB avec un manche palissandre / inlays en perloid / binding, il faut soit acheter une RI75, soit acheter une custom shop.... comme par hasard.

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Merci pour le lien (le GAS monte!).Et je ne comprends vraiment pas pourquoi on ne parle pas plus des JB66. Vraiment un super mix entre le positionnement micros + bois "60's", et le manche qui flashe des productions ultérieures.

En plus, c'est la période du passage aux frettes medium jumbo, plus faciles à jouer pour les pimpins comme moi.

Mais bon, les RI Japonaises, il y a quand même plus "standard" et plus facile à se procurer en Europe dans la gamme Fender.

Edited by CBR75
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Oui mais cette all parts est 10000 fois mieux qu'une jap!

D'ailleurs, pour moi, une jap Fender, à moins d'être ultra chanceux, c'est un peu des Mex en moins honteuse.

qu'estce qu'il ne faut pas lire comme conneries.... tu n'as jamais du avoir de fender jap et mex dans les mains pour dire un truc pareil non ?

la finitions des jap, hors serie speciale mex, n'on rien a voir, frettage, callage, bois, finitions de vernis, ponçage etc

kamikokokoooooooooooo !!

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J'ai entendu pas mal de "soundclips" de Japonaises, et toujours un son un peu Fender discount, mais moins pire qu'une Mex qui pour moi sont des stéréotypes de Fender, je ne parle pas des Squier que je qualifierais de jouets!

J'ai jamais testé de Japan cela dit, allez y jetez moi des cailloux! A l'Afghane quoi !

qu'estce qu'il ne faut pas lire comme conneries....

Snif, Jette ta mex il est pas chentil.

kamikokokoooooooooooo !!

J'ai des potes coco mais quand même, je vaux plus que ça ! :lol:

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De l'avis, totalement mesuré et approprié de Jex, la comparaison jap/mex mérite un lynchage à coup de poubelle en plastique.

Quoi je suis partial ?

Plus sérieusement, les instrus jap que j'ai testé ces derniers mois, vintage pour la plupart, déchiraient poru la plupart. Et les JB en particulier.

J'ai possédé une JB Mex de 94 qui n'était pas géniale du tout, manche en chewing gum, frettage bof, micros nazes.

Récemment, j'ai gratouillé vite fait des Highway II (pas mal, mais c'est du mix AM/Mex), et 3 Fender Mex Road worn différentes en magasin (donc pas réglée rien) qui ne m'int pas convaincu. Je n'étais pas super à l'aise dessus.

Donc, je redis, en ce qui me concerne : AM>JAP >>>>>> Mex>>Squier

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L'avis de l'excellent SMASH de TB concernant les Aero :

Aero Type 1 and Type 3.

I decided to group these two together because, despite their price difference the sound is very similar. However, there is a noticeable difference and "big tone" junkies would likely prefer the Type 3. At least I do, but though not by much.

These pickups are extremely articulate and sound very much like my '74 J p'up. VERY much. As an attempt to cop a vintage tone, these Aeros truly succeed. They're more balanced though, with a tighter bottom and more & sweeter highs. The Type 3 has a bit more beef to it, while still managing to retain great clarity. The Aero site descibes the difference as "dark pleasant distortion sound", but that makes them sound a bit more radical than they are.

IMO these pickups contain any sound you'd want to hear, and beyond that you can EQ in what you like best. They don't add a radical colour though, like the DiMarzio Model Js or SD Antiquity IIs do.

Type 1 are single coil, Alnico 5, two conductor. Type 3s are Alnico 2. These take about a month to arrive. Larry is extremely informative and giving of his time, and the packing is great. They have very long wires and tidy ends to compensate for your soldering mishaps, and he even included his recommended capacitors.

They're even more open with his .022 capacitors, but I prefer the slightly choked stock Fender 1k. On the phone though, Larry was adamant about the .022 caps. Fair enough, he should be proud of the sound he's achieved and wish it to be heard unadulterated. As for me, deviations from stock on this particular bass gives me the heebie jeebies.

Aero Type 1 / 3

Warmth: 4 / 4.5

Clarity: 4.5 / 4

Output: 4 / 4

Punch : 4 / 4

Amplified Sound: 4.5 / 5

Recorded Sound: 4 / 4.5

Value: 5 / 3.5

Warmth: 4 / 4.5 - They're not the thick kinda warm, but they do have a present bottom and the highs are not shrill. Theyre' warm, but not the kind of warm that can help compensate for less then elegant playing (like mine). There is an organic richness to the tone, without an artificial "phatness". The Type 3's have more beef, hence the extra .5

Clarity: 4.5 / 4 - Very broad and balanced spectrum of sound. Surprisingly so. Neat trick. Much more balanced across the spectrum than any of the other pickups I've tried. That's also true of the Type 3s, but what they add in beef they perhaps lack in overall clarity. They're still very well-balanced though. Why BP gave these a comparatively low "Clarity" mark (and equal to the Antiquity II's "Clarity" mark) I have no idea. In my thinking "clarity" can be a bit of a slag, but not in the case of the Aeros.

Output: 4 / 4 - A bit more juice than the stock vintage pickups. Like with the "Warmth" score, if you don't care for a freakishy high output, consider these a 5.

Punch : 4 / 4 - Tight sound and thereby more clean punch than stock. Again, if you prefer not to have an unnatural kick then consider these a 5.

Amplified Sound: 4.5 / 5 - Type 1 aren't that expensive at $75 each and IMO would turn a bland newer MIA J bass (as I said before those p'ups must be replaced) to a very swank and articulate sounding bass. Type 3 are as good, with a noticeable bit more oomph.

Recorded Sound: 4 /4.5 - In some ways these make me re-think my feelings for the other p'ups I've reviewed positively. These make my RB5, which is an awesome recording bass, sound a bit honky by comparison. The DiMarzio Model Js sound dull/dumb by comparison, but of course that works perfectly for some things - I love those Model J's through an Aquilar preamp, just so you know where I'm coming from. "Horses for courses" as they say. As I said above, they sound an amazing amount like the stock '74s which were originally in the bass I tried these in. That's a good thing.

Value: 5 / 3.5 - I can't imagine for $75 each you'll get a better, full-yet-clear vintage-y tone than this. The Type 3s get only a 3.5 because, while they sound "better" to me and worth the extra money, you don't get as big a difference in sound as you do in price - $125 each (including $5 for covers). But if this is the sound you're after, the Type 3 will still seem like a steal. If you're unsure, try the Type 1 instead - you'd have no trouble selling that at cost if you want to upgrade to Type 3 later.

The bassline - For most of what I do I prefer the colour pickups like the Antiquity IIs add, but these Aeros have a real class to their tone without being weak that I really like the sound of. These Aeros are ideal for those with skill who want the full spectrum at their fingertips, with good tone at any frequency, and who want to hear their playing truly shine yet hit hard. http://www.aeroinstrument.com

BP said :

Warmth: 5

Clarity: 3.5

Output: 4

Amplified Sound: 5

Recorded Sound: 4

Value: 4.5

Heavy lows, distinct upper mids, and round

top that's cool for fingerstyle rock, blues, and

country. (And '70s-style funk.) Broken-in vibe

that's fun to play. On tape, pickups have big

bottom for a J, although the tone can geta bit


Harmony-Central reviews : http://www.harmony-central.com/Bass/...z-Bass-01.html

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T'ain les zamis!!!!

J'ai reçu ma basse!!!! FENDER !!!

Candy cola!! Rhoo comme c'est beau!

J'ai fais une super affaire: 800 euros, toute neuve! (3 mois)

Réglée par un bourrin, mais la puissance du tournevis va y remédier ^^

Et contrairement à une Zicman, si je joue comme un con, elle sonnera comme un con!

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