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Les Nouveautés Pédalesques


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Harman’s DigiTech today announced the rebirth of the DOD brand of effects pedals, beginning with reissues of the Overdrive Preamp 250 and Phasor 201. Both incorporate improvements like true-bypass wiring and an AC power jack.

The company says output on the Overdrive Preamp 250 is significantly higher and cleaner than the original, and its familiar yellow finish has been upgraded to two-tone metallic and matte-black. It has controls for Gain and Level controls.

The DOD Phasor 201 brings back the classic analog phaser “swoosh” with the same electronic and cosmetic upgrades as the OP250, and has a control for speed of the phasing effect. Learn more at www.harman.com.

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Harman’s DigiTech today announced the rebirth of the DOD brand of effects pedals, beginning with reissues of the Overdrive Preamp 250 and Phasor 201. Both incorporate improvements like true-bypass wiring and an AC power jack.

The company says output on the Overdrive Preamp 250 is significantly higher and cleaner than the original, and its familiar yellow finish has been upgraded to two-tone metallic and matte-black. It has controls for Gain and Level controls.

The DOD Phasor 201 brings back the classic analog phaser “swoosh” with the same electronic and cosmetic upgrades as the OP250, and has a control for speed of the phasing effect. Learn more at www.harman.com.

J'espère qu'ils ne vont pas s'arrêter en si bon chemin :mf_popeanim:

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  • 2 weeks later...

oui, avec l'idee de changer les presets via son smartphone je trouve ca tres interessant

Recu le Ring Thing, teste rapidement. Comme toutes les EHX ca demande un temps d'adaptation, mais les possibilites sont infinies, il y a par exemple un Univibe de toute beaute.

Edited by hobbes
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Concernant les petites Donner qui vont pas tarder à arriver , voici quelques infos supplémentaires :

Pour l'instant il y a 7 modèles :.
Blues Drive --> qui sera un OverDrive
Morpher --> une Distortion
Stylish Fuzz --> une Fuzz
Heavy Metal --> une Distortion Metal
Tutti Love --> un Chorus
Yellow Fall --> un Delay
Jet convolution --> un Flangerhttp://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=1309240627042022411580210.jpg

Vu dans le topic d'eno dans le guitariste.com

Ces sont des pédales qui devraient être dispo autour du 6 octobre.

Edited by dud
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MacMart avaient les Mooer a pas cher, grave pas cher, mais Mooer en a eu marre et Macmart ont du arreter les prix grave pas chers. DonnerDeal est apparu. la légende dit que MacMart a créé Donnerdeal (le site est un clone de Macmart) pour refourguer des Mooer pas chers (plus lucratif que ca n'y parait)

Quand a Eno... Aout 2013, communication de Donnerdeal:

Dear customers

Thank you for your support to donner very much!

There are three news to notice our dear customers,

The first one:

Last week ENO peals is involving Infringement,all of them have been recalled to the factory to modify the appearance.very sorry that donner can not ship ENO pedals as we promised before,ENO company informed us they will finish the appearance modification at the beginning of August.So donner will arrange the shipment once ENO company finish the adjustment.

The second one:

ENO company have issued a notification that all the ENO pedals must on sale at a price that above $75 .It means that online stores need to increase the price of ENO pedals as request.

The third one:

As ENO company delay our shipping date because their infringement,we really feel sorry and helpless,we know that it must bring much inconvenience to our customers.Donner have made an big effort to gain the optimal agency of ENO pedals,and will still sell ENO pedals at the initial price in order to thanks for your supprot to donner always.

Thank you for reading this email!

Best regards


les prix restent cependant plancher jusqu'a cette communication fin septembre:


on rigole jaune (normal...)

Du coup les Donner sont arrivées.

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Pour les Mooer va sur le topic dédié, y'avait des noms de revendeurs dans l'hexagone dont au moins un sur le forum. Pour les Xing/Eno/Donner kebab c'est en ligne uniquement.

Un comparo des circuits identifie que Mooer utilisent de meilleurs composants, les circuits sont hyper proches evidemment, juste suffisamment differents pour ne pas etre consideré comme un pur plagiat. Ca n'empeche pas les Eno de sonner.

Et pour les news, Moog ont enfin mis a jour leur site:


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