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Richard Wright

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Posted (edited)

Aujourd'hui est mort Richard Wright, claviers de Pink Floyd.


Would you like to say something before you leave?

Perhaps you'd care to state exactly how you feel.

We say goodbye before we've said hello.

I hardly even like you.

I shouldn't care at all.

We met just six hours ago.

The music was too loud.

From your bed I came today and lost a bloody year.

And I would like to know, how do you feel?

How do you feel? How?

How do you feel?

How do you feel? How?

Not a single word was said.

The night still hid our fears.

Occasionally you showed a smile,

but what was the need?

I felt the cold far too soon

In a room of ninety-five.

My friends are lying in the sun, I wish that I was there.

Tomorrow brings another town, another girl like you.

Have you time before you leave to greet another man?

Just to let me know, how do you feel?

How do you feel?

How de you feel? How?

How do you feel?

How do you feel? How?

Goodbye to you.

Charlotte Pringle's due.

I've had enough for one day.

(Summer 68 - album: Atom Heart Mother - année: 1970)

Edited by Pehennji

J'ai jamais vu le Floyd en live, Rick Wright, je le connaissais pas, je savais même pas qu'il était gravement malade, mais il avait une bonne gueule et je l'écoute depuis 1975.

Ca fait forcément quelque chose.





triste jour, RIP à un grand monsieur, et une tournée d'echoes pour tout le monde...

Adieu Monsieur Wright, et merci pour tout...



Ah, zut... :(

Je me demande bien comment ont/vont réagir les deux zigotos... :unsure:

L' "actualité" des Pink Floyd s'arretant pour moi grosso-modo dans les 90's, je ne pourrais guère dire qu'il va me manquer. Mais c'est effectivement lui qui joue sur ces quelques putains d'albums, alors ça fait quelque chose quand même. Il est allé rejoindre sa légende, on va dire...


Sur le site de Gilmour:

No one can replace Richard Wright. He was my musical partner and my friend.

In the welter of arguments about who or what was Pink Floyd, Rick's enormous input was frequently forgotten.

He was gentle, unassuming and private but his soulful voice and playing were vital, magical components of our most recognised Pink Floyd sound.

I have never played with anyone quite like him. The blend of his and my voices and our musical telepathy reached their first major flowering in 1971 on 'Echoes'. In my view all the greatest PF moments are the ones where he is in full flow. After all, without 'Us and Them' and 'The Great Gig In The Sky', both of which he wrote, what would 'The Dark Side Of The Moon' have been? Without his quiet touch the Album 'Wish You Were Here' would not quite have worked.

In our middle years, for many reasons he lost his way for a while, but in the early Nineties, with 'The Division Bell', his vitality, spark and humour returned to him and then the audience reaction to his appearances on my tour in 2006 was hugely uplifting and it's a mark of his modesty that those standing ovations came as a huge surprise to him, (though not to the rest of us).

Like Rick, I don't find it easy to express my feelings in words, but I loved him and will miss him enormously.

Pour l'instant rien du côté de Waters ni de Mason.


Moi le floyd s'est arreté après Pipper At The Gates of Dawn.... :lollarge: après c'est completement autre chose m'enfin c'est pas le but ici de chipoter entre geek 60's. :goute:

RIP Rick.

Ma soeur a eu raison de me rabattre les oreilles avec ton groupe! cela a en partie changé ma vision de la musique..

Posted (edited)

Holy shit !

J'ai vu le Floyd en 1994. Gilmour et Wright avaient la banane tout le long du concert et Mason avait toujours l'air de se demander ce qu'il foutait là ...

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way, ces parole de Time résume bien l'attitude d'un des principaus artisans du son Floydien.

Si le paradis des sicos existe, j'espère qu'il fera le boeuf avec Miles Davis dont il était un grand fan et dont il piquait allègrement les accords !

Edited by Ze bass
Posted (edited)

Ric Wright avait fait un disque solo appelé Wet Dream qui était très bien mais devenu difficile à trouver en CD. Ils vont peut-être en profiter pour le rééditer, si vous le voyez, jetez une oreille, ça vaut le coup !

Edited by benoit

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