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Ce matin sur un site de 2ème main belge, une petite annonce pour une Gibson L5 CES de 1955 à 1400€ (tiens!... ce devrait être au moins 6000€)


Description en anglais assez complète

Here is a beautiful, all original 1955 Gibson L-5CES with original double alnico pickups, original parts, original sunburst finish and original case. The original pickguard has begun to deteriorate and has been kept separate from the instrument as not to affect its metal parts. OriginalLes points en trop, c'est mal !.

La guitare est à Bruxelles...

Je google "Here is a beautiful, all original 1955 Gibson L-5CES" et 3 réponses:

Une en France, Le Bon Coin, texte identique, la guitare est dans le Puy de Dôme : http://www.leboncoin.fr/vi/67559989.htm?ca=3_s

Une au Danemark effacée...

Curieux, non?

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je l'avais vu celle la sur le bon coin, et pareil ca m'avais surpris le coté en anglais, c'est con c'est à 50 bornes de chez moi sinon je serai allé faire un tour.

J'ai envoyé un message pour demander de la voir.

Tu peux en faire autant.

Je veux bien parier que la réponse sera: "la guitare n'est pas visible, payez via un intermédiaire, etc..."

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Cette annonce a tout pour mettre le doute.

J'ai aussi une JB de 67 et quand je regarde les photos, bah, il y a pas photos, la tête est identique (sérigraphie identique).

Le mieux c'est d'y aller et de voir par sois même, petite inspection du manche et du n° de série, de l'éléctronique et de la qualité général de l'engin.

Pour moi c'est une grosse connerie de vendre une basse comme ça... surtout sur Le bon coin... bref.

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Je google "Here is a beautiful, all original 1955 Gibson L-5CES" et 3 réponses:

Une en France, Le Bon Coin, texte identique, la guitare est dans le Puy de Dôme : http://www.leboncoin.fr/vi/67559989.htm?ca=3_s

Une au Danemark effacée...

Et hop ! Comme de par nasard, l'annonce est aussi effacée...


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l'annonce est reaparue et le vendeur ne m'a pas repondu a l'email que je lui ai envoyé

j'ai recu une reponse par mail


Thank you for contacting me, i am ready to sell the guitar for 1400 euro. I had to move in England with my job and the guitar is not anymore in France. If you would like to buy it there is no problem because i know a delivery company that can deliver anywhere in Europe, they are very cheap, i'm willing to pay the costs(they have also escrow service). The guitar is in very good condition, i'm selling it because i need some money as you can see the economy is very low these days. If you are interested to buy it just let me know and i can also send you more pictures.

Thank you,


l'annonce est reaparue et le vendeur ne m'a pas repondu a l'email que je lui ai envoyé

j'ai recu une reponse par mail


Thank you for contacting me, i am ready to sell the guitar for 1400 euro. I had to move in England with my job and the guitar is not anymore in France. If you would like to buy it there is no problem because i know a delivery company that can deliver anywhere in Europe, they are very cheap, i'm willing to pay the costs(they have also escrow service). The guitar is in very good condition, i'm selling it because i need some money as you can see the economy is very low these days. If you are interested to buy it just let me know and i can also send you more pictures.

Thank you,


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je lui ai que j'etais interessé et j'ai recu une reponse tres rapide alors que j'ai attendu au moins 10 jours apres le premier email


I would like to use a shipping company for this deal, the process is very easy and I have just bought something and this is why I know how it works.

This company will handle the delivery and payment, they act like an escrow service. If we will use them you will have 5 days to inspect the guitar before you decide to buy it.

I will pay delivery! The delivery time will be around 3-4 days and the guitar will be delivered at your home address. In this time you will receive the tracking number of the transaction so you can use it to check the status on the company website.

Let me explain you the whole process:

First I will need your details, full name and address. As soon as I get the info from you I will take the guitar to the shipping company. I will pay all the shipping charges. After the guitar is in their custody they will send you a confirmation and also payment instructions. They work as an escrow service and will hold the payment during the 5 days period for inspection. After the payment is confirmed to them, they will get the guitar to your home address and it will be left in your custody, in this period you can test it, take it to a musical store for inspection. After the 5 days period is over, the shipping company will come to you and if you decide to keep the guitar, they will release the payment to me. If you decide not to buy it they will get it back and will send you a full refund of the payment. Their website is www.deluxe-cargo.com .

Please e-mail me with your decision and also your full name and address!!


Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have.

Thank you and have a nice day!

je lui ai dit que j'etais toujours interessé et j'ai aussitot recu une reponse(bizarrre)


I would like to use a shipping company for this deal, the process is very easy and I have just bought something and this is why I know how it works.

This company will handle the delivery and payment, they act like an escrow service. If we will use them you will have 5 days to inspect the guitar before you decide to buy it.

I will pay delivery! The delivery time will be around 3-4 days and the guitar will be delivered at your home address. In this time you will receive the tracking number of the transaction so you can use it to check the status on the company website.

Let me explain you the whole process:

First I will need your details, full name and address. As soon as I get the info from you I will take the guitar to the shipping company. I will pay all the shipping charges. After the guitar is in their custody they will send you a confirmation and also payment instructions. They work as an escrow service and will hold the payment during the 5 days period for inspection. After the payment is confirmed to them, they will get the guitar to your home address and it will be left in your custody, in this period you can test it, take it to a musical store for inspection. After the 5 days period is over, the shipping company will come to you and if you decide to keep the guitar, they will release the payment to me. If you decide not to buy it they will get it back and will send you a full refund of the payment. Their website is www.deluxe-cargo.com .

Please e-mail me with your decision and also your full name and address!!


Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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il te réponds la même chose ? :lollarge:

C'est lui, l'escrow, le mec, il est même pas capable de tenir une liste des personnes à qui il envoie ses copiers-collés :D

Fais gaffe, que ça va finir que tu vas devoir filer un coup de main à la fille d'un haut-dirigeant ivoirien pour l'aider à sortir des tunes de son pays et tout :lollarge:

Edited by PaowZ
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En gros en fait c'est toujours la même arnaque, il y en a par dizaine en ce moment sur leboncoin, pas seulement en instru de musique, mais aussi en voiture... etc

Le principe c'est qu'un faux transporteur international t'envoie une procédure de paiement par CB, avec faux numéro de transport, faux site internet... et dès que tu as payé, tu l'as dans le c*l ! C'est l'arnaque récurrente en ce moment, annonce alléchante qui disparait rapidement, petit contretemps du vendeur qui n'est plus à l'endroit défini et donc qui propose d'envoyer l'objet (avant les vendeurs étaient partis au Bénin, Gabon... mais maintenant les destinations fictives sont plus souvent Grande-Bretagne, Italie...) et mise en place du procédé d'arnaque...

Sympa quoi

Il me semble qu'il y a un site institutionnel pour dénoncer les arnaques de ce type, il faudrait rechercher l'adresse car ça pullule en ce moment les arnaques!

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