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L'avis de Tombowlus (sur TB) quant ? la comparaison CA9 / DB728 :

"I was also able to do this on Friday! The difference was primarily "excellent SS amp" versus "excellent tube amp." The CA9 had tighter, punchier lows, whereas the DB 728 had more massive, weighty, rumbley, but slightly tubby sounding lows. Both were great in the low end, but each had characteristics that would make it good/bad for specific tonal goals or musical genres. The DB 728 felt like it was a lot louder, though I was comparing 400 watts to 1,800 watts, so I'd say that there is something to the notion that "tube watts" seem to be perceived as louder than "SS watts." Tonally, the 728 has really beautiful high end, and I give it the clear advantage in this regard. Midrange is good on both, but a different in subtle ways. I can see one or the other being preferred in the midrange, depending on what cabs you were using. I did try them both with some overdrive from my Chandler Tube Drive, and 728 just took it and ran, and sounded freaking awesome! The CA9, on the other hand, had me scratching my head and tweaking controls on the Chander. I just couldn't get a sound that seemed "organic" or anywhere near as good as it did through the 728.

So, as you can see, it's really a preference thing of tube versus SS amps. Both of these are top notch examples of their respective camps.

Hope this helps, Tom."

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l'interet c'est qu'il amene juste le TD1 ou le Rig complet (sans td1) en cas de besoin ;)

d'ailleur, ca y ai j'ai passé commande !l'ampli arrive dans la semaine, idem j'espere la TD1...

reste plus qu'a prendre les baffles, mais là j'suis pas encore fix?, et je n'ai pas encore l'argent donc...

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