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Tobias Growler 90


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ouais, mais c'est un peu paradoxal quand même ce que tu dis... puisque la Tobias Growler 90 a été produite de 1992 à 1994, selon mes recherches de cette nuit... en fait, c'est gibson qui a arrêté sa production comme présenté au-dessus. Pour ensuite la ressortir mais en version "classique" avec EQ 3 band comme on peut la trouver aujourd'hui...

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Aucun paradoxe. Mike n'a fabriqué que les modeles basic classic signature jusqu'en 1992.

Gibson rachète Tobias sur le papier en 1990. La 1ere Gibson Tobias a le numéro de série 1094. L'ère "Burbank".

Mais elle reste fabriquée par la même équipe des débuts. Ca a duré jusqu'en 92 comme ça, jusqu'au numéro de série 2044. Sont donc considérées comme "pré-Gibson" toutes les Tobias avec un S/N<2044. Que basic, classic et signature quoi. Fabriqué soit à Hollywood, soit Burbank...

Apres la boite a déménagé (Nashville, chez Gibson) et seul Mike est resté en consultant pendant 1 an et demie je crois. Aucun des membres originels de l'équipe n'est resté et on rentre donc à ce moment dans l'ère Gibson.

A ce moment la prod de la Growler est commencée, comme tu le dis en 1992...

Donc il n'y a pas de Growler pre-Gibson. Mais son design a bien évidemment été supervisée par Mike.


The Gibson Buyout...

After several attempts to move the business to larger, better equipped facilities, I sold Tobias Guitars to Gibson on 1/1/90. The first Tobias Gibson serial number was 1094. At that point, Gibson was instrumental in moving us to a bigger shop in Burbank and setting us up with a great spray booth and dust collection system. We finally met So Cal safety codes. Basses built during 1990-1992 era were built initially by the same crew that had helped establish Tobias Basses as one of the most sought after basses on the planet. We added several people during 1990 and ended up with a great 10-man shop.

Business was still very good and we were not able to make anywhere near enough basses to fill the orders. Instead of trying to jack up production, we tried to get outside vendors to build for us. We had 110 "Model T" basses made for us by a very fine builder in New England, and then we got the Terada factory in Nagoya, Japan to make the "Standard" bass for us. This was and is a great bass, but the $/yen ratio killed the project. There were about 400 Standards.

Late in 1992, it was decided that in the best corporate interests, Tobias would move to Nashville. After much deliberation, no one from the original Tobias Guitars crew went to Nashville. The final LA Tobias/Gibson serial number is 2044. Despite Gibson's ownership of Tobias, all of the basses made up to 2044 were built by my regular crew. The first production from Tobias/Nashville consisted of about 60 basses that were not numbered or finished by this crew.

I left the company in Dec '92 and was a consultant for Gibson for the operations they set up in Nashville. They had some trouble at first, but have since done a fairly good job making Tobias basses.

Edited by Pfunker
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