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Compressor Behringer En Rack


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Les compresseurs Behringer actuels ne sont pas des foudres de guerre; il vaut mieux te tourner vers les premiers modèles MDX2000 ou MDX2100, il sont redoutables sur une basse et se trouvent pour pas cher sur eBay (40 à 50€), ici par exemple.

J'en possède un depuis un bail, c'est vraiment un super outil.

Une astuce pour avoir du gros son avec, en chainant les deux canaux du compresseur :

I leave mine on. Really no need for a foot pedal.

The MDX2000 High Pass Filter is a great Bass Feature. Having both XLR and 1/4" I/O's is handy

for using compression for other uses including PA and Mic work.

I use both channels ganged together.

Daisy Chain both halves of the Stereo Compressor by patching channel one output into channel two input.

Bass>Preamp>Channel 1 Input>Channel 1 Output>Channel 2 Input>Channel 2 Output> Amp

Set Both Channels 1 & 2 To:

Expander Gate:

Threshold = -42.5

Ratio = 2:1

Expander/Gate Release = Slow

SC Filter = ON

Auto = OFF

I/O Meters set to: OUTPUT


Channel One for gentle compression to even things out, with Attack set to not allow "clicking" and Release set to avoid pumping. Together creating increased sustain without artifacts.

Channel 1:

Interactive: ON

Threshold = -6.5

Ratio = 4 to 1

Attack = 30ms

Release = 9:30

Peak Limiter = +16db or 2:00.

Output = 6db

Channel 2


Channel 2 is used to catch extreme peaks that go above +6 or +7.5 db with hard knee compression, a 6:1 ratio, very fast attack and longer release. Only the larger peaks are affected; therefore increasing headroom without squashing. This is somewhat like a limiting effect, but softer.

Interactive = OFF (must have Hard Knee here).

Threshold = +6.5

Ratio = 4 to 1

Attack = 1ms

Release = .3ms

Peak Limiter = +18db

Output = 1:30

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