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Paramatrix ... A Tes Souhaits !


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Si avec ça tu trouves pas le son qui va bien ...


The KingBass Paramatrix is the result of over 12 years development.

A radical active EQ design and Bi-Max pickups are at the centre of the transformation.

The EQ includes both treble and bass controls plus dual parametric circuits,

all working independently to allow a vast range of tones.

Bass control = +/- 12dB shelved from 100Hz

Treble control = +/-14dB shelved from 10KHz

Each parametric circuit operates around a different range of frequencies :

Low = +/- 10dB variable between 85Hz and 850Hz

High = +/- 12dB variable between 1.5KHz and 15KHz

Each Status Bi-Max pickup uses a unique coil system and three position switch to select either side of the pickup individually or both at the same time.

All positions are fully hum-cancelling and, when combined together, allow 9 different options which can be blended together via the pickup balance pot.

A side jack socket is fitted.


Edited by foulala
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