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[pré-vente] - Squier Sq Series - Jazz Bass - '84


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Hello à tous :)

Je mets en pré-vente une basse, pré-vente uniquement car je ne sais pas encore quand arrivera la remplaçante (courant Septembre je pense). (CF mon avatar :rolleyes: )

Il s'agit d'une Squier Jazz Bass, modèle Jap de 1984, série SQ contemporaine aux JV.

Tout d'abord quelques infos issues du site 21Frets sur cette famesure série SQ :

During the fall of 1983, the Fender company decided that it would start importing it's Squier Guitars from Japan as there was no way that they could produce a guitar for under $500 in the USA to compete with other companies taking their buisness away from them, and also the 70's style headstock of the SQ Stratocaster didn't directly compete with the current US models of the time.

Originally intended only for the US market only, 'SQ' (short for Squier) guitars were made available worldwide (known as the 'Popular 'model in the UK).

Squier SQ guitar production started in late 1983 and ran until 1984 (exact date of the last models as yet unknown) they were built right alongside the JV line, but unlike the vintage JV guitars, SQ's were made entirely from Japanese parts and were not intended as exact vintage replicas.

Note: The export SQ models were made over a slightly shorter period than the export JV models (with fewer models available), and this at first naturally leads one to believe that less SQ guitars were produced; However it must be remembered that SQ guitars (unlike the JV models) were exported all around the world, and as I have no shipping records, I can only assume that (at the very least) there are just as many SQ's out there as JV's.

Quelques infos sur le modèle que je mets en pré-vente :

- Manche érable à touche palissandre, droit comme un i, frets et truss rod ok, usure normale, pas de trace de choc, vernis ok, les mécaniques sont pas extra mais font leur job et leur aspect trahit l'âge de la miss.

- Corps (aucune idée du bois, ils utilisaient de l'aulne, du frêne, mais aussi du Sen parfois) noir + pickguard noir (l'original est blanc, je le fournis aussi). La face avant montre une usure normale de l'instrument, la face arrière a un peu plus douillé (CF photos).

- Micro/électronique ok, les potards crachotent très peu.

Place aux photos :











Pour le prix, je pars sur 350 euros FdP out, soit une très bonne affaire pour qui ne veut pas mettre 600 euros ou plus dans une JV de la même époque.

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