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Ampeg Svt-7 Ou Gk 700Rb-Ii Avec Ampeg 600 Hlf


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Attention, la série ABM ce n'est plus ce que c'était il y a quelques années. Si tu veux l'équivalent Ashdown du SVT 610 tape plutôt dans ça : http://www.dv247.fr/invt/73659/

ou ça : http://www.dv247.fr/invt/82381/

(Forcément ce n'est pas le même tarif que l'ABM ... mais le US est à bon prix malgré tout)

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En effet je viens de faire une petite recherche et seules les séries Heritage sont encore faites aux Etats-Unis.

JimmyM sur Talkbass :

"loud/ampeg makes a few products in the usa through the heritage shop...heritage svt-cl, svt 810e and 410hlf, and heritage b-15. they also make their pro neo cabs in the usa. but most of their stuff nowadays is made in china and south korea...and they used to make some stuff in vietnam but no longer.

however, aside from some qc problems for the first couple years they moved, i've used a lot of recently made ampeg stuff on the road and it's every bit as good as the usa stuff slm made, and in the case of the cabs, a lot better. firing the idiot they used to have in charge and moving out of vietnam seems to have cured their problems. and say what you will about foreign production, but there was quite a long period where slm used osb (a type of strandboard) and really dark sounding speakers in their cabs, and loud has always used actual wood and speakers that are a lot better and brighter. i'd much rather have a new foreign made 810e than a cab made in the usa from after 1998."

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Je me demande si ça vaut vraiment le coups (pour moi) de mettre les 200 euros et des broutilles qui séparent l'ABM 410H à l' US......<_<



Surtout que je ne dépasserai jamais la moitié de la plage de gain.

me tâte......me tâte...:rolleyes:

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