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Taurus Zebu MK2 Reverb et Delay


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Je vends cette pédale de Reverb et Delay d’une grande précision.
Achetée il y a 1 an, elle est donc en parfait état.
Je la vends simplement car je n’utilise pas le Delay, elle est donc sous-exploitée.
Vendue sans alimentation mais avec le mode d’emploi très succinct.

Reverb: Time range (0.5 -10s)
Delay: Time range (50-1000ms) 60bpm - 1200bpm
Balance: Mix between REVERB and DELAY
Repeat: Controls the number of repeats (feedback) in the DELAY effect (0-90%)
Effect: Determines the overall signal level of DELAY and REVERB effect.
Power Supply Voltage Range 9-12V: any power supply with power rating between 9 and 12V can be used
Polarity Auto Detection: Allows using either centre-positive or negative polarity on power supply
DC Assistant: protection against signal loss. If disconnected or the voltage is lower then 6V the effect is automatically switched to the ’ bypass ’ mode
Mono/Stereo mode output
Dimensions: (HxWxD) 65x96x144mm
Weight: 0,5kg

150€ FDP IN. 


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